Since 1963 ECCO Shoes has provided people with shoes across the world. The brand is extremely popular in Asia, but the shoes do not have the same reputation here in Denmark, where the shoes, for many years has been described as ”foot-shaped” and “out of date”. A shoe that, though comfortable, misleadingly is rarely considered the most fashionable.
In this project I wanted to keep the best from ECCO, their comfort, quality, and functionality. I wanted to create a collection of shoes, that would take inspiration from ECCOs long history, and pare it with the modern GORPCORE culture. I tried to give ECCO more colors, contrasts, and functions, inspired by the Scandinavian nature the people experiencing it.
In this project I’ve worked with designing and constructing shoes, pattern construction and leather cutting, working in a group with people from other design faculties and working together with a large and sustainable company.